Legal notice

Duty to provide information according to §5 E-Commerce Act, §14 Company Code, §63 Trade Regulation Act and disclosure obligation according to §25 Media Act.

Lic. MA Anamaria-Corina Nițu

Ettenreichgasse 15/18-19

1100 Vienna


Tel: +436607631689


Name of professional field: Translating and interpreting

Country of accreditation: Austria

EU dispute resolution

In accordance with the Regulation on Online Dispute Resolution in Consumer Matters (ODR Regulation), I would like to inform you about the online dispute resolution platform (ODR platform).

Consumers have the opportunity to submit complaints to the European Commission’s online dispute resolution platform at You will find the necessary contact details above in this legal notice. However, I would like to point out that I am not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings by a consumer arbitration board.

Liability for content

The content of this website has been carefully compiled. However, no responsibility or liability can be accepted for the accuracy, completeness and up-to-dateness of the content. The content on this website is provided for information purposes only. As a service provider, I am not obliged to monitor content shared or transmitted by you on this website or information stored by you or, under certain circumstances, to investigate its illegality.

My obligations to remove information or to block the use of information in accordance with the general laws due to court or official orders remain unaffected, even in the case of my non-responsibility.

Should you identify any illegal content on this website, please inform me immediately. You will find the contact details in this imprint.

Liability for links

This website contains external links to third parties. I accept no responsibility for the content of third party providers and its accuracy. I was not aware of any possibility of illicit content on their side at the time of linking their content. The expectation to permanently monitor the content of linked third parties without a specific legal violation is not reasonable. Should I become aware of problematic or illegal content on the linked websites, I will remove these links immediately. If you identify any illegal content on the websites of linked third parties, please contact me immediately. You will find the contact details in this legal notice.

Copyright notice

All contents of this website (images, photos, texts, videos) are subject to copyright. Any unauthorised use of this content or parts thereof will be prosecuted if necessary. If you identify any content on this website that violates copyright law, please inform me immediately. The contact details can be found in this imprint.